Employee Benefit Plan Audits
The regulations related to employee benefit plans are continually evolving. When you need a benefit plan audit it’s important to find a firm that devotes significant effort to training to keep ahead of developing changes and on top of Department of Labor (DOL) requirements so you can be confident you’re compliant with the latest rules.
Count on Insero when you need a top-notch team

Our Benefit Plan Audit Team is a group within the Audit Division trained specifically in benefit plan audits. As a result of our focus, we are in the top 1% of employee benefit plan accounting firms in the United States based on plan assets audited. While size alone is not the most important measure of a firm, you can be confident that because of our focus on benefit plan audits, our team can deliver your audit with quality and efficiency rivaling that of any firm in the country, with a lower fee structure than most.
With Insero performing your benefit plan audit you won’t have to spend a lot of your time training our team – and they will complete your audit with minimal disruptions to your company. Our team provides audit and/or testing services to over 200 benefit plans in more than 30 states, from New York to Georgia to California, including privately held companies, large multi-national companies registered with the SEC and colleges and universities. Our team has experience with defined contribution, defined benefit plans, and H&W plans funded through VEBA trusts. We can also assist with the filing of Form 5500.
In short, you can count on our ERISA knowledge and ability to provide answers to your questions: from filing and reporting requirements to complex interpretations of benefit regulations.
Insero is a proud member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center.
Client Service Team
Jennifer Allen
Email (585) 697-9689 LinkedIn Jennifer Allen, CPA [...]
Michael Giess
Email (585) 697-9639 LINKEDIN Michael Giess, CPA [...]
Patrick Jordan
Email (607) 216-1908 Patrick S. Jordan, CPA Partner, [...]
Renee Lawless
Email (585) 697-9659 LINKEDIN Renee Lawless, CPA [...]
Vincent Leo
Email (585) 697-9683 LinkedIn Vince is [...]
Anthony Mangiameli
Email (585) 697-9685 LinkedIn Anthony Mangiameli, CPA [...]
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