Audit and Accounting Services
There are many accounting firms offering audit and accounting services that can deliver an opinion on your financial statements. However, you need that opinion to be delivered by a firm that has a solid reputation for quality and a history of hitting deadlines. Add to that management letter ideas that help to improve your business, cost effective fees, and a personal approach by the partners and you quickly narrow that long list down to Insero.
Why choose Insero for audit and accounting services?
Our firm is built on a solid foundation of partners, managers, and staff and a reputation for quality. We demand quality and we set tough policies to achieve it. We strive to hire the best people and we invest heavily in training and tools. These tools include systems that ensure consistency, objectivity, and accountability for results in strict compliance with professional standards. Our audit software is integrated with our working papers and allows us to quickly and easily analyze your data. Another tool we count on is experience. Our senior people are extensively involved and we seek active dialogue with your senior people.
During the course of every audit, we try to develop meaningful ideas and suggestions as well as report any significant findings. We use the management letter as a means for communication, not a report card. We tend to reserve the management letter for matters which are of importance to your team, not “housekeeping” matters/miscellaneous findings. All potential management letter comments will be discussed with management prior to the first draft of the letter. In addition, management is encouraged to include their responses in the final version.
Finally, you can be confident that our business knowledge will result in a smooth transition with virtually no disruption to your daily operations. Our audit and accounting services team will spend the necessary time in order to gain an appropriate understanding of your company prior to our first day of fieldwork.
Client Service Team
Michael Giess
Email (585) 697-9639 LINKEDIN Michael Giess, CPA [...]
Patrick Jordan
Email (607) 216-1908 Patrick S. Jordan, CPA Partner, [...]
Vincent Leo
Email (585) 697-9683 LinkedIn Vince is [...]
Anthony Mangiameli
Email (585) 697-9685 LinkedIn Anthony Mangiameli, CPA [...]
Michael Marafioti
Email (585) 697-9656 LinkedIn Michael Marafioti, CPA [...]
Timothy McLaughlin
Email (585) 697-9680 LinkedIn Timothy McLaughlin, CPA [...]
Duane Shoen
Email (607) 216-1909 Duane Shoen, CPA Partner [...]
D. Leslie Spurgin
Email (607) 216-1907 LinkedIn D. Leslie Spurgin, [...]
Contact Us
Have a question or want to discuss your needs? Get in touch – we’re here to help.